Fridley American Legion Auxiliary Unit 303

Service, Not Self

What We Do

Mission, Vision and Purposes


In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.


The vision of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion while becoming the premier service organization and foundation of every community providing support for our veterans, our military, and their families by shaping a positive future in an atmosphere of fellowship, patriotism, peace and security.


In fulfillment of our Mission, the American Legion Auxiliary adheres to the following purposes:

  • To support and advocate for veterans, active military and their families

  • To support the initiatives and programs of The American Legion

  • To foster patriotism and responsible citizenship

  • To award scholarships and promote quality education and literacy

  • To provide educational and leadership opportunities that uphold the ideals of freedom and democracy and encourage good citizenship and patriotism in government

  • To increase our capacity to deliver our Mission by providing meaningful volunteer opportunities within our communities

  • To empower our membership to achieve personal fulfillment through Service Not Self

Areas of Mission Outreach

Youth Development

ALA Girls Nation

Two participants per state, known as “senators,” are chosen to represent their respective ALA Girls State programs. A week is spent creating a mock legislature, submitting bills and resolutions, participating in senate sessions, holding a national convention, and electing officials such as president and vice president.

Special field trips include visits to the White House, Arlington National Cemetery, monument tours, and a day on Capitol Hill meeting with state senators and representatives.  The week of government training also features appearances by special guest speakers.  The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) has recognized ALA Girls Nation by placing it on the National Advisory List of Contests and Activities.

Children & Youth

To recognize and reward the positive actions of our children and youth, the American Legion Auxiliary has two special national awards bestowed to youth nominated by units. The Youth Hero Award recognizes someone less than 18 years of age who performs a heroic act of physical bravery. The Good Deed Award is for youths 18 years of age or younger who have contributed in a special way to society through community service.

MN ALA Girls State

MN ALA Girls State is a unique and exciting government-in-action learning program in which American Legion Auxiliary members guide young women to become knowledgeable stewards of freedom, democracy and patriotic citizens. The program epitomizes the ALA’s mission to honor those who have brought us our freedom through our enduring commitment to develop young women as future leaders grounded in patriotism and Americanism. The young women learn our democratic process and how our republic form of government works at the city, county and state level by living it for a week in the summer after their junior year of high school.

Female high school juniors interested in applying to attend MN ALA Girls State are encouraged to contact their school counselor or their local American Legion Auxiliary unit regarding the application process and deadline.

Junior Activities

Engaging the next generation to become members in the American Legion Auxiliary is the important purpose of the Junior Activities Program. Junior Auxiliary membership is open to girls from infancy through age 17. The Junior Activities Committee prepares girls to become active adult members of the organization by providing positive volunteer experiences that instill the ideals of the Auxiliary.

National Creative Arts Festival

Across the country each year, Veterans enrolled at VA health care facilities compete in a local creative arts competition. The competition includes 51 categories in the visual arts division this year that range from oil painting to leatherwork to paint-by-number kits. In addition, there are 100 categories in the performing arts pertaining to all aspects of music, dance, drama and creative writing.

Auxiliary Involvement

Since 2000, the Auxiliary has played a key role in NVCAF as a cosponsor of the event, along with Department of Veterans Affairs. In addition to raising funds, Auxiliary departments also provide volunteers who assist with everything from punching meal tickets to stuffing programs to ironing costumes for the stage show. Best of all, Auxiliary members have the opportunity to meet and develop relationships with the veterans who participate.

Veterans/Military Support

Poppy Program

National Poppy Day broadens a tradition that dates back to the American Legion Auxiliary’s first National Convention in the early 1920s when the red poppy was adopted as The American Legion Family’s memorial flower. Today, it remains an iconic symbol of honor for the sacrifice of our veterans. ALA members distribute millions of poppies annually across the country in exchange for donations that go directly to assist disabled and hospitalized veterans in our communities.

The financial benefit realized by our nation’s veterans as a result of poppy distribution is huge; nearly 3.5 million American Legion Auxiliary poppies were distributed by units last year, raising $2.1 million. Children are involved in spreading the poppy message, too. Poppy Poster Contests are held in local schools for students in grades 2 to 12. The Miss Poppy Contest is a fun event for Junior Auxiliary members who develop local programs to promote the Auxiliary memorial poppy.

Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation

Coming home may be the end of one journey for many veterans; it is also the beginning of a new journey to transition to a “new normal.” Helping them get there is at the core of the purpose and service of the American Legion Auxiliary. Members are passionate about providing care and comfort to our heroic U.S. service members who are so highly deserving of everything we can possibly do for them.

At VA facilities, Auxiliary-sponsored gift shops and holiday parties have become a revered tradition and valued program. Members, units, and departments also purchase essential equipment and supplies for these facilities.

Advocacy for Veterans


The American Legion Auxiliary supports the legislative priorities adopted by The American Legion. The American Legion’s Legislative Division in Washington, D.C., keeps abreast of current legislation related to veterans’ benefits, national security, and children and youth. Auxiliary members are encouraged to subscribe to the Legion’s legislative e-bulletins to keep the Legion Family aware of legislative issues and the official positions of The American Legion on those issues.  

Here is a link to the American Legion's Legislative Handbook.